Houdini Lives, said to be Alive and Well, in Miami Beach
Magician contends famed escape artist appeared 40 years past his death.
(Miami Beach)What if, Harry Houdini, world famous magician and escape artist, did not die on October 31, 1926, but faked his own death, appearing forty years later in 1966.
Houdini always said he'd be back. Could it be he was planning a major comeback on the Jackie Gleason television show on Halloween night 40 years past his burial?
"I posed my theory to mystery novelist Al Blanchard in April, 2002 in Aruba, where I presented my grand illusions magic show, Adam Steinfeld MagicLive! at a local beach casino," Steinfeld says.
The show ended with the famous Houdini Water Torture tank - - Steinfeld would escape from 200 lbs of freezing cold water while locked in chains and steel shackles.
"Blanchard handed me his business card. 'Send me more on the story,' he said. So began our two years of collaboration on Houdini Lives! a novel. Wherever I was performing in the world, we would exchange story drafts by e-mail," Steinfeld says.
Al Blanchardis also author of the Steve Asher Mystery Series, theJames Callahan Mysteries & a Collection of short stories called 'The Stalker and Other Tales of Love & Murder'.
The story, which is fiction based on fact, is a murder mystery, and combines humor and political drama, with a touch of romance.
Houdini has been in hiding from his political enemies and is planning a dramatic comeback. Who are these enemies from the 1920's, and why are they still trying to kill him?
Noautopsy was performed. He was buried within a few days. His wife Beatrice, was poisoned, a week earlier before his death, but survived.
"I'm convinced a mysterious old rabbi with an old black robe, who showed me my first magic trick in Miami Beach was the legendary escape artist," Steinfeld says. Houdini Lives! a novel. Magic Live! publishing.
BUY IT TODAY,click here:Lulu books, www.lulu.com/content/419992 --------------------------------- PHOTO:Adam Steinfeld, magician-illusionist, writer-filmmaker. Co-Author of Houdini Lives! a novel, contends famous escape artist, Houdini alive 40 years after his burial. www.HoudiniLives.com PHOTO 2: Harry Houdini (r), escape artist, magician, actor, showman.
QUOTES, Houdini Lives! novel, highly praised by journalists & magic leaders alike: ..."A most intriguing and entertaining premise - read the book (Houdini Lives!)before you see the movie that has to follow!"John Fisher, acclaimed British TV producer, author of CARDINI, the Suave Deceiver & TOMMY COOPER: Always Leave Them Laughing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...“historical fantasy, romance and intrigue tied into a taut false knot.”- Mike Caveney,mcmagicwords author/publisher of Harry Anderson -WiseGuy, Carter The Great, awarded the John Nevil Maskelyne award for literature by England's Magic Circle.
...."Houdini alive and grooving in the sixties." Wayne Kawamoto, About.com ..."Adam - I enjoyed the book, (Houdini Lives!)very much - it's excellent, reading with an interesting twist - it should be a best seller." -Sid Radner, foremost authority on Houdini, Hardeen's protégé. "A new novel, Houdini Lives, asks...what if, Harry Houdini, world famous magician and escape artist, did not die on October 31, 1926."-Tim Quinlin's Inside Magic
...."GREAT!!! Gave me chills!!!-Steven A. Sparks,specializing in Houdiniana ...."is a fun fictional novel that finds Houdini alive and well and living in 1966, Miami Beach."-John Cox, screenwriter, Houdini buff, webmaster of Houdini-Lives.com ..."this murder mystery features the 1966 return of Harry Houdini, who was thought to have died forty years ago."-Ronald E. Gray,Houdini in a Milk Can "Houdini Lives! novel is destined for greatness, I can easily visualize it as a feature-film" Dr. Mark Horowitz
...Thumbs up to writers Blanchard & Steinfeld for delivering us a fun & mysterious novel that works on every level."-Bret Gorenberg BUY IT TODAY, click here:Lulu books,www.lulu.com/content/419992
Magician, Adam Steinfeld, Co-author of Houdini Lives! Believes Opening Houdini's Grave Will Risk the Wrath of Houdini's Spirit!
by Bret Gorenberg
MIAMI BEACH, FL. Let HOUDINI rest-in-peace, or risk the wrath of Houdini's spirit, says novelist Adam Steinfeld, co-author of HOUDINI LIVES! (www.HoudiniLives.com), "I don't think they should exume Houdini's body, what kind of b.s. is this? " Refering to recent news reports of digging up Houdini's grave at Machpehla Cemetary. Steinfeld added, "Houdini is considered by some cultures to be god-like, you never know what the wrath of Houdini's spirit might bring. Leave the body alone, let him rest in peace."
And, what if the coffin is empty and Houdini didn't die back in 1926? What if indeed.
Adam Steinfeld, magician-writer is the co-author of HOUDINI LIVES! a novel, a supernatural thriller, who along with New England writer, Al Blanchard (the Steve Asher Mystery Series, Tales of Love & Murder) create a world in which Houdini did not die, but faked his death and is hiding out from his politcal enemies trying kill him, their novel of fiction lately, seems to be turning into fact . First drafted as a film-script in 2002, then the first draft of novel complete in 2004, and finalized in 2006. (www.HoudiniLives.com) details a life forty years after Houdini's death.