a supernatural thriller
by Al Blanchard & Adam Steinfeld
..."historical fantasy, romance and intrique tied into a taut false knot." -Mike Caveney
It's 1966, and world famous magician, escape artist, Harry Houdini, did not die 40 years ago as people thought. He's has been in hiding from his political enemies and is planning a dramatic comeback. Who are these enemies from the 1920's, and why are they still trying to kill him? Can Stanford, the young, hip, up-and-coming magician, and his sultry assistant, Solea, save his life? A magician creates a world of wonder and asks people to believe in that world. It is the highest form of entertainment. What is Houdini's secret identity? Will this be his final illusion? Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for a tall tale of murder, mystery, romance, and political drama. Houdini lives or dies is only a matter of time.
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CLICK BELOW for PressPhoto's
AUTHOR's1) (center) AL Blanchard, Adam Steinfeld (left)
2) at movie shoot , Aruba: Knock 'em Dead.
3) additional photos with description
4) PHOTO: Adam Steinfeld, magician-illusionist, writer-filmmaker and co-author of the new novel, Houdini Lives!, contends famous escape artist, Houdini, was alive 40 years after his burial.
5) Steinfeld enters Houdini Water tank photo 1
6) Steinfeld enters Houdini Water tank photo 2
5) Houdini Lives! Book COVER (main)
6) Book Cover & Back cover
7) hand flipping through pages
8) Front cover book on backdrop
9) Houdini in watertank, photo 1908.
10) Harry Houdini image in chains 1899
11) Houdini & his wife Bess.
12) Houdini photo studio shot
2 min. PROMOTIONAL BOOK VIDEO explains story with still photos & narration.
Contact: Adam Steinfeld. e-mail; Adam@MagicLive.com
BUY IT TODAY, click here: Lulu books, www.lulu.com/content/419992
Book Cover
QUOTES, Houdini Lives! novel, highly praised by journalists & magic leaders alike:
..."A most intriguing and entertaining premise - read the book (Houdini Lives!) before you see the movie that has to follow!"John Fisher, acclaimed British TV producer, author of CARDINI, the Suave Deceiver & TOMMY COOPER: Always Leave Them Laughing.

...“historical fantasy, romance and intrigue tied into a taut false knot.” - Mike Caveney, mcmagicwords author/publisher of Harry Anderson -WiseGuy, Carter The Great, awarded the John Nevil Maskelyne award for literature by England's Magic Circle.
...."Houdini alive and grooving in the sixties." Wayne Kawamoto, About.com
..."Adam - I enjoyed the book, (Houdini Lives!) very much - it's excellent, reading with an interesting twist - it should be a best seller."
-Sid Radner , foremost authority on Houdini, Hardeen's protégé.
"A new novel, Houdini Lives, asks...what if, Harry Houdini, world famous magician and escape artist, did not die on October 31, 1926." -Tim Quinlin's Inside Magic
...."GREAT!!! Gave me chills!!! -Steven A. Sparks, specializing in Houdiniana
...."is a fun fictional novel that finds Houdini alive and well and living in 1966, Miami Beach."-John C

..."this murder mystery features the 1966 return of Harry Houdini, who was thought to have died forty years ago." -Ronald E. Gray, Houdini in a Milk Can
"Houdini Lives! novel is destined for greatness, I can easily visualize it as a feature-film" Dr. Mark Horowitz
...Thumbs up to writers Blanchard & Steinfeld for delivering us a fun & mysterious novel that works on every level." -Bret Gorenberg
BUY IT TODAY, click here: Lulu books, www.lulu.com/content/419992